
Interested in sponsoring a team or purchasing a banner to be displayed on the fences at the ball field?  Please contact us at  [email protected].

Full Team Sponsorship - $300 per season
-All players on the sponsored team will have your business name displayed on their jerseys

Half Team Sponsorship - $175 per season
-Half of the players on the team will have your business name displayed on their jerseys and the other half will include the other half-team sponsor.

Banner Sponsorship - $125 per season
-Your company name/logo will be printed on a vinyl banner to be hung on the outfield fence of one our main ball fields.

You can open and download the Sponsorship Form  to fill it out and mail in a check to the address on the form. If you would like to sponsor a team that a specific player is on, please indicate the name of the player.  If you would like us to place you with a team in need of a sponsor, indicate that you would like us to do so. 

Thank you for your support of Beal City's summer baseball and softball program!

Mail checks to:

Ashley Schafer
5038 W. Baseline Rd.
Weidman, MI 48893